
Issuer & responsibility:

InProCoat Holding GmbH 
Industriegebiet Backeswiese 15
D-57223 Kreuztal, Germany

Dr. Jörg Doege
Otmar Becker

Register court:
District court (Amtsgericht) Siegen

Register number: HRB 9459

Tax ID: 342/5869/1028

Responsible for content:

InProCoat Holding GmbH 
Industriegebiet Backeswiese 15
D-57223 Kreuztal, Germany

Phone: +49 2732 7931-0


1. Content of the online offer

The author assumes no warranty that the information provided is up to date, accurate, complete or of a specific quality. Liability claims against the author concerning damage from use or non-use of the provided information or the use of defective and incomplete information shall be generally excluded if the author is not at fault for verifiably wilful or grossly negligent fault. All offers are subject to confirmation and are non-binding. The author expressly reserves changing, supplementing, deleting parts of pages or the entire offer without separate announcement or to temporarily or finally cease publication.

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This disclaimer is to be viewed as part of the website from which this page was referred to. If parts or individual phrasings of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document shall remain unaffected by this in content and validity.

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WCG GmbH & Co. KG

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D-57072 Siegen, Germany

Phone: + 49 271 31 35 - 0

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